- Heather A Abbott
College of Health and Human Services, Kinesiology, Recreation & Sport
- Ph.D., East Tennessee State University, 2016.
Major: Sport Physiology and Performance
Dissertation Title: Positional and Match Action Profiles of Elite Women’s Field Hockey Players in Relationship to the 2015 FIH Rule Changes - M.Ed., Frostburg State University, 2013.
Major: Physical Education
Supporting Areas of Emphasis: Psychology - B.S., Drexel University, 2011.
Major: Health Science
- Administrative Activities
- Licensures and Certifications
- Scholarship and Creative Activities
- Librarianship
- Grants, Contracts and Fellowship
- University and Community Service
- Awards and Honors
- Consulting
- Biography and Expertise
Administrative Activities
- Graduate Kinesiology Program Coordinator, Acting, Department. (August 2019 - Present).
Licensures and Certifications
- Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative. (August 16, 2016 - Present).
- LWC Referee, USA Weightlifting. (August 1, 2016 - Present).
- Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist, National Strength and Conditioning Association. (August 1, 2015 - Present).
- DEXA Training, Hologic. (August 9, 2019 - February 1, 2021).
- USA Weightlifting Level 2 Coach, USA Weightlifting. (August 1, 2016 - August 10, 2020).
Scholarship and Creative Activities
Book, Chapter in Textbook-New
- Abbott, H. A., Taber, C. B., & Stock, M. (2019). Chapter 4: Neuromuscular Physiology. In The Professional’s Guide to Strength & Conditioning 1st Edition Safe and Effective Principles for Maximizing Athletic Performance (1stth ed.). CSCCa and BYU Academic Publishing. https://redshelf.com/book/1323618/the-professionals-guide-to-strength-and-conditioning-1323618-9781614210184-nesser-tom
Journal Article, Professional Journal
- Abbott, H. A. (accepted). How to Collect Rating of Perceived Exertion to Monitor Athlete Training Load. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance. https://doi.org/10.1080/07303084.2021.1977742
- Taber, C., Bellon, C., Abbott, H. A., & Bingham, G. (2016). Roles of Maximal Strength and Rate of Force Development in Maximizing Muscular Power. Strength and Conditioning Journal, 31(1), 71–78. https://doi.org/10.1519/SSC.0000000000000193
- Bazyler, C. D., Abbott, H. A., Bellon, C. R., Taber, C. B., & Stone, M. H. (2015). Strength Training for Endurance Athletes: Theory to Practice. Strength and Conditioning Journal, 37(2), 1–12. https://doi.org/10.1519/SSC.0000000000000131
- Bianco, A. G., Morehead, C. A., Demchak, T. J., Abbott, H. A., 2025 COSMA Conference, "The influence of an experiential learning field trip on undergraduate students' readiness for interprofessional learning," Commission on Sport Management Accreditation, Las Vegas, NV. (January 30, 2025).
- Shin, J. C. (Author & Presenter), Abbott, H. A. (Author), Lee, H.-J. (Author), Park, H.-J. (Author), Kim, J.-W. (Author), Yoon, S.-I. (Author), Seo, H.-W. (Author), 1st International Scientific Conference on Mind-Body Medicine (ISC-MBM), "Tai Chi Movement Analysis Towards Depression Treatment Development: A Traditional Chinese Medicine and Biomechanical Approach," Mind-Body Medicine Research Council, Witten/Herdecke Universitat, Germany (online presentation). (November 5, 2024).
- Abbott, H. A., National Strength and Conditioning Association Indiana State Clinic, "Implementing Athlete Testing and Monitoring," Terre Haute IN. (September 30, 2023).
- Morales, J. B. (Author), Morales, J. (Author), Santiago, J. A., Abbott, H. A. (Author), Finch, A. E., International Society of Biomechanics in Sports, "RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN VERTICAL STIFFNESS AND REACTIVE STRENGTH INDEX MODIFIED IN COLLEGE-AGED MALES DURING JUMPING," Marquette University in Milwaukee, WI USA. (July 12, 2023).
- Abbott, H. A., National Strength and Conditioning Association Indiana State Conference, "Programming High Intensity Intervals," National Strength and Conditioning Association, Indiana University–Purdue University Indianapolis. (September 24, 2022).
- Morales, J. B. (Author), Kcehowski, K. (Author), Minor, B. (Author), Sweitzer, M. (Author), Abbott, H. A. (Author), 2022 National Strength and Conditioning Association National Conference, "EFFECTS OF VARYING ANALYSIS TECHNIQUES ON REACTIVE STRENGTH INDEX-MODIFIED," New Orleans, LA. (July 9, 2022).
- Abbott, H. A., 2022 National Strength and Conditioning Association Great Lakes Clinic, "Programming High Intensity Intervals," Carroll University Sport Performance Institute, Waukesha, WI. (April 2022).
- Morales, J. B. (Author), Minor, B. L. (Author), Abbott, H. A. (Author), 16th Annual Coaching and Sport Science College, "COMPARING LOWER EXTREMITY STIFFNESS CALCULATIONS IN DIVISION I MEN’S COLLEGIATE BASKETBALL PLAYERS," East Tennesse State University, Johnson City Tennessee. (December 6, 2021).
- Kcehowski, K. (Author), Abbott, H. A., 16th Annual Coaching and Sport Science College, "EFFECTS OF ABSOLUTE VERSUS RELATIVE VELOCITY BANDS ON DISTANCE COVERED BY DI FCS AMERICAN FOOTBALL ATHLETES," East Tennesse State University, Johnson City Tennessee. (December 6, 2021).
- Morales, J. B. (Author), Sweitzer, M. W. (Author), Abbott, H. A. (Author), 16th Annual Coaching and Sport Science College, "THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN REACTIVE STRENGTH INDEX-MODIFIED AND STIFFNESS IN DIVISION I MEN’S COLLEGIATE BASKETBALL PLAYERS," East Tennesse State University, Johnson City Tennessee. (December 6, 2021).
- Abbott, H. A., Indiana SHAPE State Conference (Canceled due to COVID), "Application of Rating of Perceived Exertion in Athlete Monitoring," SHAPE America, Grand Park Indiana. (August 2020).
- Abbott, H. A., National Strength and Conditioning Conference - Indiana State Conference, "Individualizing Aerobic training for Team Sports Athletes," National Strength and Conditioning Association, Indiana State University. (January 25, 2020).
- Abbott, H. A., North American Coach Development Summit 2019, "Athlete Monitoring with Wellness and Rating of Perceived Exertion Scores using Google Forms," United States Center for Coaching Excellence, Colorado Springs, Colorado. (June 18, 2019).
- Lima, N., Gaspari, A., Abbott, H. A. (Author), Finch, A. E., Experimental Biology 2019, "Beetroot Juice Supplementation Did Not Change Exercise Capacity and Physical Function and Had Minimal Effects on Blood Pressure of Breast Cancer Survivors," The American Physiological Society, Orlando, Florida. (April 5, 2019).
- Abbott, H. A., Ninja Con 2019, "The "Long" in Long Term Athlete Development," Ninja Sports International, Indianapolis, IN. (February 23, 2019).
- Abbott, H. A., Indiana SHAPE Conference, "Olympic Weightlifting Movements - The Power Position," Shape America, Grand park (Westfield, Indiana). (November 4, 2018).
- Abbott, H. A., NSCA Wisconsin State Conference, "Long Term Athlete Development: The Good, The Bad, and What we can do About it!," NSCA, Carroll University, Waukesha, WI. (April 14, 2018).
- Hughes, L., Abbott, H. A., North American Coach Development Summit 2017, "Variations in Coaches's Planned RPE verses Players Reported RPE," Coaching Coalition/United States Center for Coaching Excellence, Atlanta, Georgia. (May 2017).
- Abbott, H. A., Kuhlman, J. S., North American Coaching Development Sumitt 2017, "Bridging the Gap Between Knowledge and Technological Application," Coaching Coalition/United States Center for Coaching Excellence, Life University Marietta GA. (May 24, 2017).
- Abbott, H. A., Annual Coaches and Sport Science College, "GPS Analysis of the US Women's National Field Hockey Team During the 2015 World Cup: Three Consecutive Matches," East Tennessee State University, Johnson City TN. (December 2016).
- Bingham, G., Abbott, H. A., Annual Coaches and Sport Science College, "Theoretical Model for the Application of Critical Speed to Field Sports," East Tennessee State University, Johnson City TN. (December 2016).
- Abbott, H. A., Taber, C., Annual Coaches and Sport Science College, "Monitoring the Effect of Volume Load on Jump in Weightlifters," East Tennessee State University, Johnson City TN. (December 2015).
- Abbott, H. A., Taber, C., Grigges, C., Annual Coaches and Sport Science College, "Power Output at Varying Loads During Squat Jumps," East Tennessee State University, Johnson City TN. (December 2015).
- Swisher, A., Abbott, H. A., Annual Coaches and Sport Science College, "A Call to Reform Coach Education in the United States," East Tennessee State University, Johnson City TN. (December 2014).
- Swisher, A. M., Dotterweich, A. R., Clendenin,, S., Palmero, M., Greene, A. E., Walker, J. T., Abbott, H. A., Annual Coaches and Sport Science College, "Using Benefits-Based Models To Manage Sport Performance Enhancement Groups," East Tennessee State University, Johnson City TN. (December 2013).
- Smith, S. A., Berry, H., Lenzi, R., Abbott, H. A., 34th Annual Meeting Mid-Atlantic Regional Chapter of the American College of Sports Medicine, "Effects of Altering A Stide Frequency on Constant Speed Running Economy and Percieved Exertion." (November 2011).
Grants, Contracts and Fellowship
- Demchak, T. J. (Co-Principal), Morehead, C. A. (Co-Principal), Bianco, A. G. (Supporting), Abbott, H. A. (Supporting), Pommier, J. H. (Supporting), "Olympic city USA: exploring premier athletic centers for sports medicine, performance, and organizations," Sponsored by College of Health and Human Services, Indiana State University, $11,200.00. (November 2023 - May 2024).
- Morehead, C., Demchak, T. J., Bianco, A. G., Abbott, H. A., Pommier, J. H., "Olympic City USA: Exploring Premier Athletic Centers for Sports Medicine, Performance and Organizations," Sponsored by Career Center, Indiana State University, $2,000.00. (December 2023 - May 2023).
- Abbott, H. A., "National Strength and Conditioning Assoc. IN Conference," Sponsored by Community Engagement - Course Related Domestic Travel Grant, Indiana State University, $985.00. (August 30, 2023 - September 30, 2023).
- Witkemper, C. R., Morehead, C., Abbott, H. A., "Ashby Trust Grant - Ireland & Scotland Study Abroad," Sponsored by ISU College of Health and Human Services - Ashby Trust Grant, Indiana State University, $5,000.00. (October 1, 2022 - August 1, 2023).
- Abbott, H. A., "Provost Capital Equipment," Sponsored by ISU Academic Affairs, Indiana State University, $240,000.00. (September 22, 2017 - September 2022).
- Abbott, H. A., "Coaches College Conference 2021 Course Related Domestic Travel Grant.," Sponsored by Experiential Learning and Community Engagement Grant, Indiana State University, $6,590.00. (December 2021).
- Abbott, H., "Experiential Learning and Community Engagement BFR and Goniometer," Sponsored by Experiential Learning and Community Engagement Grant, Indiana State University. (February 12, 2019).
- Pierce, M. A., Abbott, H. A., "American College of Sports Medicine Regional Chapter Meeting," Sponsored by Community Engagement, Indiana State University, $2,000.00. (November 2018).
- Abbott, H. A., "Experiential Learning and Community Engagement Grant for Labquest 2 and Hand Dynamometers," Sponsored by Experiential Learning and Community Engagement Grant, Indiana State University, $2,919.00. (December 20, 2017).
- Abbott, H. A. (Principal), "Scientific Aspects of Physical Education and Coaching Equipment Investment Switch Mat and Linear Potentiometer," Sponsored by Experiential Learning and Community Engagement Grant, Indiana State University, $2,950.00. (August 2017 - September 2017).
University and Community Service
Attendee, Graduation
- Attendee, Graduation, Graduation. (December 14, 2018).
- Attendee, Graduation, Graduation. (May 12, 2018).
- Attendee, Graduation, Graduation. (December 16, 2017).
- Attendee, Graduation, Graduation. (December 17, 2016).
Faculty Advisor
- Faculty Advisor, State Start Up 2021. (May 25, 2021 - June 21, 2021).
- Faculty Advisor, ISU Strength and Conditioning Club. (July 1, 2017 - May 1, 2021).
- Faculty Advisor, State Start Up 2020. (May 21, 2020 - June 24, 2020).
- Faculty Advisor, New Student Orientation 2019. (June 3, 2019 - June 26, 2019).
- Member, Foundational Studies Council. (September 2023 - Present).
- Member, University Athletics Committee. (August 20, 2018 - Present).
- Member, Curriculum and Academic Affairs Committee. (August 21, 2018 - May 16, 2019).
- Sport Scientist, Indiana State University Sport Sciecne. (January 15, 2019 - Present).
- Volunteer Interviewer, Presidential Scholarship Interviews. (January 27, 2018).
- Volunteer Interviewer, Presidential Scholarship Interviews. (January 28, 2017).
Vice Chair
- Vice Chair, School of Grad and Professional Studies Curricular Affairs Program Subcommittee (GCAPS). (August 16, 2021 - September 10, 2024).
- Guest Speaker, ISU summer science camp, Terre Haute, IN. (July 27, 2023).
- Program Organizer, Terre Haute Children's Museum, Terre Haute, Indiana. (July 1, 2018 - July 14, 2018).
Awards and Honors
- The Faculty Outstanding Teaching Award Level 2. (August 11, 2022).
- Recognized in Class of 2020 Destination Survey. (June 8, 2021).
- Nominated for:CHHS Outstanding Service Award. (May 2020).
- Recognized Education Program, National Strength and Conditioning Association. (March 2020).
- Recognized in Class of 2018 Destination Survey. (July 28, 2019).
- Recognized in Class of 2018 Destination Survey. (March 13, 2019).
- Recognized Education Program, National Strength and Conditioning Association. (March 2017).
- For Profit Organization, Cherryvale Stables, Brazil, IN. (May 1, 2024 - Present).
- Private Not for Profit University, Syracuse Field Hockey, Syracuse University. (January 1, 2018 - December 1, 2022).
- Non-Governmental Organization (NGO), USA Field Hockey, Lancaster Pennsylvania. (December 2013 - May 2018).